Switch the editing layout of the Mandalachart between the Normal layout consisting of a title and a cell, and the Simple or Minimum layout consisting of cells and memo.
The difference between the Simple layout and the Mminimum layout is that
the Simple layout fits the aspect ratio of the screen, while the Minimum
layout displays the cells in a square regardless of the aspect ratio of
the screen.
This Change Layout is a single piece of chart data, but the display format is different.
The "cell contents" in the normal layout are displayed as "Memo"
in the simple layout.
How to switching
Tap “Standard,” “Simple,” or “Minimal” in the upper right corner of the screen to switch between them.
Tap the current layout displayed in the upper right corner of the screen to display a pop-up list to specify the layout, and then tap the layout you wish to switch to.
This layout setting applies to the entire app, not just to each chart file.
The layout setting will also be retained even if you close the app.
Memo operation (in Simple layout and Minimum layout)
The description of a cell in the normal layout is Memo in the Simple and
Minimum layouts.
If a memo is written, the memo icon [] will be displayed. Tapping this icon will display the memo at the bottom
of the screen. Tapping another memo icon will change the content of the
memo. Tapping the memo field will switch to edit mode.
If you do not need to display it, tap [] in the top right of the memo field to hide it.
The Mandalachart App is created based on the concept in collaboration with Clover Management Research Institute Co., Ltd., the developer of Mandalachart.
Mandalachart® is a registered trademark of Clover Management Research Institute
Co., Ltd.