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Image Settings (Pro version only)

Images can be pasted into each cell. This allows the use of visual information as well as text.

Note: If a horizontal image is pasted into a vertical cell, part of the left and right sides of the image will not be displayed. Similarly, if you paste a vertical image into a cell that is displayed horizontally, the top and bottom portions of the image will not be displayed. For more appropriate display, please consider the height and width of the image. Also, the quality of the image may be a little rough.

In this example, we will set it in cell B. First, hold the cursor over the cell where you want to paste the image. Click on the "Paste Image" icon that appears below the cell.

Click on the image you wish to paste from any folder. Here we have selected the yellow cover book image circled in red.

The image will appear in cell B. Text can be entered into the cell over the image as well. The text color is inverted to black and white depending on the color of the background image.

To delete an image, if you perform the same operation as setting, the message "Do you cancel the set image?" will be displayed, so click "Delete" to delete the image.

If you want to change it, please delete it once and set it again.

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